Custom Embroidered Patches

4 Techniques for Making Custom Embroidered Patches Pop

Embroidered patches are old news now. But does that mean we have to stop obsessing over them? Well, we certainly didn’t read that anywhere. So what if they are all that everyone seems to talk about? We can still embrace them and make a unique statement.

Notice the word “unique”? That’s where most individuals and businesses find themselves stuck. Thinking of a unique way to use custom embroidered badges is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

But guess what? You don’t have to go all Christopher Columbus in order to make your custom badges pop. You can do so by simply paying attention to a few things when designing them. Sounds easy? Well, it really is!

Read this blog, and you’ll understand what we’re talking about!

No More Blending In With The Ordinary: 4 Ways To Make Your Custom Patch Look Exclusive

Choose A Striking Design

Remember one rule when you’re navigating the world of patches: the bolder, the better! You might be among those who prefer minimalism and neutralism over bold and vibrant, but you’ve got to compromise if you want those badges to turn some heads!

Most people believe the colour combination makes your emblem stand out. And while they are not wrong, there’s one another combination that’s often overlooked – the image and the text! We’re guessing you hadn’t thought of this either, right?

This is especially important for businesses looking to design custom appliques for promotional or marketing reasons. We all wish for our patch to be memorable, striking, and effective in delivering the message. But only a few people know that this entire thing depends on how you present that information.

If your design-to-text ratio is flawless, your applique will definitely hit the bull’s eye. But if it’s not, it will only come off as confusing or cluttered. Now, ask yourself: is this something that you’re aiming for? Probably not.

So, start by determining the purpose of your emblem. This can help you choose the most suitable images and text for it. For instance, a company’s embroidered badges should include the business’s logo and name. However, if you’re just creating it for personal use, you can get off easy using your favourite quote or symbol.

Also, the orientation matters too! And you can’t decide on the ideal direction for your embroidered patch unless you determine its placement. First, think about where the recipients would generally affix it!

And as for the actual text and image, it’s best to opt for easy-to-understand and clear elements. You don’t want viewers to squint their eyes every time they look at your patch! Moving on, you should also think about the overall aesthetics you wish to achieve. If you’re after a sharp and crisp look, go with elements that complement each other and look good together.

Select The Color Combination Carefully

Here comes the part everyone goes gaga over because it’s apparently the simplest step. But it’s actually the other way around. So, the next time someone boasts about how easy it is to choose a colour combination for an emblem, please stop them right there and tell them that it’s not true.

You can’t just go around picking your favourites. That’s a huge mistake – especially for businesses! You want to select something that adheres to the message on your patch. For instance, if you’re creating an embroidered badge for breast cancer awareness, you can’t design it with a blue colour because that doesn’t really go with your message.

But what if you do go with blue? It will make the applique lose its charm and look dull and uninspiring. So, when you’re choosing the colours, it’s important to remember why you’re designing the patch in the first place!

Also, here’s another pro tip you should save for later: make sure your embroidery patches UK have a cohesive look. How to ensure that you ask? Well, it’s quite simple. Just pick colours that are opposite to each other on the colour wheel. This will ensure your patch doesn’t look odd and is eye-appealing.

A word of advice? Don’t choose pale or pastel colours; they can’t make an embroidered badge pop. Instead, they will just blend in with their surroundings, making the emblem hardly noticeable. If your motive is to draw attention to it, bold and bright colours are your best bet!

Pick The Appropriate Border

Have you ever wondered why some patches look really tidy and professional? The secret behind their polished appearance is in the type of border they have. If you’re new to designing appliques, you might be unfamiliar with this aspect since not all patch makers will explain this choice to you.

Basically, you have two border options to consider: “hot-cut” and “merrowed.” Those patches that you usually admire for their neat and professional appearance? They typically have merrowed borders. You can quickly identify this type of border by examining the patch’s finish and overall look. Any emblem that appears smooth and well-integrated most likely has merrowed edges!

Are you questioning the reason behind their popularity? Well, it’s because they offer impressive durability and a refined finish. They are a traditional and versatile choice when compared to hot-cut borders. Vendors typically use an overlock machine to create merrowed borders. It stitches the edges of the patch’s fabric together to create a polished and finished edge.

This option gives your badges a professional, almost 3D-like appearance that sets them apart from the garment they’re attached to. Merrowed borders are typically suitable for standard geometric shapes!

Now, let’s discuss the other border option, the hot-cut edge. Hot-cut edges are made using a machine that precisely trims the patch’s edges. The patch is first embroidered onto a fabric backing with an embroidery machine.

After the manufacturer is done with the embroidery, they use a hot-cut machine to give the patch its final shape. In case you’re wondering, the machine uses heat and pressure to cut through the fabric backing neatly. Needless to say, the results are pretty precise and neat.

While this might sound like a better option than merrowed borders, it’s only used when the emblem has a unique shape. Also, it’s more expensive than its alternative, so you should keep that in mind too!

Decide On A Suitable Size

Most people don’t give size much of a thought when they are designing the emblem. But let us tell you, don’t fall into that trap – you’ll end up regretting your decision! You might think resizing the design won’t be a trouble afterwards, but the truth is crafting an impressive and effective badge requires more than that.

If you know the dimensions of the patch, you’ll be able to create a better and more effective design. But how do you decide on a suitable size? Well, it’s simple. Just think about the location where you’ll attach the badge!  

If it will be attached to a shirt’s front pocket, you should go for a smaller size. In contrast, badges on the back should be relatively bigger. But hey, you don’t have to come up with the perfect size and placement all on your own. You can ask around for some recommendations or even head to Pinterest or Instagram for inspiration. Don’t rush this decision, as it’s one of the most critical elements determining whether your emblem becomes a great success or a major flop.

Final Thoughts: You’re Now All Set To Design Embroidered Patches That Stand Out

Not that any of these tips are a top state secret, but many people are unaware of them. And now that we’ve caught you up, it isn’t that challenging to make your custom embroidered badges pop, is it? As long as you make a few right decisions here and there during the design phase, you’ll surely end up with an emblem that never fails to impress.

Speaking of decisions, here’s one final piece of advice: If you’re in charge, don’t be afraid to make bold choices. Do your research, make your decisions confidently, and you’ll undoubtedly craft some of the most attractive custom embroidered patches in the UK. Good luck!

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